
November 2024

November was the clubs Christmas event. This time we all met at Moreton Bay Boat Club at Scarborough for lunch.  A few special Ford utes joined us as well.  After lunch everyone made their own way home.

November 1

November 2

November 3

November 5

November 6

October 2024
For our October run, the club met at Froggies rest Cafe for breakfast. After most of us ate too much, we went to check Lance's car collection and GT40 project.

October 1

October 2

October 3

October 4

October 5

October 6

September 2024

We travelled to the Bearded Dragon Hotel at Tamborine for Breakfast. Following breakfast we all went to see how Paul is getting on with his GT40 build project. He has been making some good progress. I'm looking forward to seeing Paul's car on the road very soon.





August 2024

Only a short trip this month to Wynnum Manly Yacht Club and Captain's Parrot Cafe. Good Breakfast overlooking the boats in the Marina, with lots of chatting.





July 2024 
It was the AGM this month with a trip to Wivenhoe dam with a barbecue breakfast provided by the club. Congratulations to the members lucky enough to be elected to the committee.




June 2024 
The Historic River Mill Hotel at Mt Nathan was the destination for breakfast. Very interesting venue, good breakfast with lots of historic memorabilia and interesting animals to look at and pat.


May 2024 
Mary Cairncross Park at Maleny was the venue for breakfast. It was an enjoyable trip up the highway turning off to travel via Glasshouse mountains and Landsborough before the climb up to Maleny. The breakfast was excellent and afterwoods we all admired the view of the Glasshouse mountains.




April 2024 
This month we traveled to the Southport spit for breakfast.   There was a very good roll up of GT40s.
southport 0424 4

southport 0424 3

March 2024 
This month our outing was to the Brisbane Motor Museum. After Breakfast at the venue, members viewed the display of cars related to movies. A GT40 featured prominently.

February 2024 
This month our outing was to the Moreton Bay Boat club at Scarborough. Drivers met at the boat club for breakfast. There was much discussion after breakfast as one of the participants had recently purchased a new GT40 project and was sharing with everyone his plans for the car build.

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January 2024 
A few members braved the rainy weather for a rather wet trip to Flavours Cafe at Boonah.There were several water crossings necessary to get to the destination. Due to the weather no GT40s participated which was the sensible thing to do. Those trying to travel from Beaudesert would not have got through as the water was a lot deeper on that road. A hearty but quick breakfast was enjoyed by all as the drivers were concerned they would be trapped in Boonah by the rising water. We returned to Yamanto via a different route to the Cunningham highway which was much better as there was no water over the road when we were travelling.

November 2023 
The group had the Christmas event at the Bayview Hotel at Cleveland. There was a group of Morgan owners at the hotel as well. The Morgans were parked amongst the GT40s.

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October 2023 
We met at Aspley and had a nice run in the GT40's via Bray park and Young's Crossing, Dayboro and Mt Mee to The place to be at Delaneys Creek for Breakfast. After breakfast most returned home via the highway. I returned back over Mt Mee and Samsonvale.

Aspley October 2023

Delaneys Ck October 2023

September 2023 
The club members met at Bundamba in September for a run to Mulgowie hotel for lunch. My GT40 was finally running again after missing several events due to an electrical issue. Everyone seemed to enjoy their generous servings of lunch provided by the staff at the hotel. After lunch the members found their own way back home. I traveled via Rosewood and Ipswich, somewhere I don't think I have been since the bypasses to Warwick and Toowoomba were constructed.

September1 2023

September2 2023

September3 2023

August 2023

 The August event was held at the Glen Hotel.

July 2023

 The drivers met at Bundamba for a trip to Wivenhoe dam for barbecue breakfast. After breakfast the AGM was held, with re-election of the existing committee.

June 2023

 The drivers met at Yatala for a trip down the highway to The Spit Southport. Breakfast was enjoyed with much chatting. Some members worked off the breakfast with a short walk to the end of the breakwater.

southport 1

southport 2

southport 3

May 2023

 The May event was at the Moreton Bay Boat Club at Scarborough for Breakfast.

moreton bay 1

Moreton Bay 2

moreton bay 3

moreton bay 4

moreton bay 5

April 2023

April saw the drivers and cars meeting up at the Glen Hotel for Breakfast.

March 2023

Most drivers met at Aspley Hypermarket for a run to Maleny via Glass House Mountains. At Mary Cairncross Park another GT40 was already waiting for our arrival. Everyone proceeded to have breakfast. After, there was much interest in the cars from other people at the park. Especially attracting attention was the black GT40 with the engine and front covers up.


February 2023

The drivers and cars met at Yamanto for a run to Flavours restaurant at Boonah

June 2022

The drivers and cars all met at Bundamba for a run to the Plainlands Hotel, with no rain in sight. The orders were put in for lunch 

and the generous servings were delivered to the group shortly after. We had to make room for the second lunch

session so everyone departed for the trip home. I decided to return via Mt Glorious. Enjoyable drive, however still

some roadworks happening from the recent rain and some caution was required.

See you all next time.



May 2022

The rain tumbled down from home & back to home.

So what! We had a good roll-up and a great Breakfast, delivered very promptly for our enjoyment.

After one and a half hours at the table and another 30 odd minutes in the car park, we departed The Glen Hotel

in the rain, for our humble abodes. (Did I mention The Rain )

Hope to see you all next month.


Col's car



April 2022

Well The Grand View Hotel have done it again!

No-one was wanting of calories when they departed the venue.

A great roll-up of 16 Eager-Beavers chatted over their scrumptious delights

for over two hours.

We left the Ocean-side and wandered home ignoring the

clouds and what they were delivering.

Well done Members & Friends!

Kevin Pinkstone


March 2022

The Club Lunch Trip and AGM was again to the seaside at the

Moreton Bay Boat Club overlooking the Marina.

Everybody had a wonderful lunch before the serious matter of the AGM.

Kevin was re-elected President

Michelle is the new Secretary

Matthew the Webmaster

If anyone is interested in filling the role of Event Coordinator, please contact Kevin



 February 2020

The Club Breakfast Trip to the seaside was a nice drive, to the

Morton Bay Boat Club who

put on a good spread (quickly too )

for us all to enjoy while overlooking the Marina.

With the abundant chatter and good friends for company,

everybody had a wonderful morning,

before making tracks for home

and lawnmowing (not likely).


December 2019

Calypso Bay turned out to be a Great Place
to have our Club GT40 Breakup Christmas Lunch.

Harrigan's Drift Inn on the waterfront is a nice venue
to have a long Chat while enjoying the scenery 
and a cold one over Lunch.
( I’m told the Coffee was great also )

Have a Very Merry Christmas, be careful on the roads,
and we will see you all in the New Year.

Kevin Pinkstone

Club GT40

October 2019

We left Aspley at 7:00 am for The Glen,
arriving in time to meet the rest of our contingent in the car park at the Glen

The Breakfast, as usual, was of the highest enjoyment,
including the Waffles & Ice Cream plus Cream.

After our Buffet Breakfast and our usual Banter, we then motored to our Homes.

Kevin Pinkstone

President Club GT40

September 2019

Being led by a YELLOW GT40 we left Aspley on our way through the City
to Old Cleveland Road and Cleveland.

The Breakfast at the Lighthouse Res/Cafe was the usual great experience.

We were met there by two more Yellow GT40s, parked on the edge of the Park
overlooking the Low Tide of Morton Bay.

A busy Cafe was very prompt with our Delectable Meal.

After our usual banter, we all made tracks home to rest for what was left of the day.




August 2019

After gathering near the Air Force Base, we took off towards Boonah
for our 8:00 am Breakfast booking at Flavours Cafe in the country town of Boonah.

Excellent Food helped us to engage in the usual Banter associated with our Monthly Run.

After our Event, the owner ( and others ) took pictures of our Cars before we motored off
to our respective homes 
to relax for the afternoon.

215 klm's return for Breakfast is quite a task ( for the elderly )(President).

Hope to see you all again next month.


July 2019 AGM

Hi Members & Friends

Another great Breakfast at The Glen Hotel on Sun 28th July.

After the meal and usual banter, we conducted our AGM
in the Gazebo area of the Hotel.

With all reports aired and passed we then conducted the Election of office bearers
for the incoming year.

All positions were filled by the outgoing Committee unopposed, and they were...

President: Kevin Pinkstone

Sec/Tres: Lucia Baxter

Webmaster: Wayne Whitehead

Congratulations to all, and thank you to our Members for attending.

Kevin Pinkstone

President Club GT40




June 2019


The Club Run on Sunday was another delectable outing.

We traveled as per my “Advertised Itinerary

“ to The Place 2b Restaurant at Delaney’s Creek.

Rather Cool, but great views of the Lake

and the “millions of wild ducks” resting on the shores.

After a great Breakfast,

the return home for most was not the drive over the mountain.

The “Caboolture Way” sounded great for most.


May 2019


The Glen Hotel did it again!

What a spread, even down to the Waffles & Ice Cream.

We left Aspley 7-ish as required, and made our way to the Glen,
meeting other regulars at the Venue.

The collection of GT40s gathered their usual attention,
looking the part Together in a Row.

Very happy with the Breakfast, we chatted & chatted,
until “going home time.”


April 2019

Convoy left Aspley with plenty of time to find the Hornibrook Highway bridge
via the new roadworks at Deagon using Sandgate Road.

The Belvedere Hotel at Woody Point excelled themselves again with a Breakfast fit for Royalty.

After the hunger pangs were satisfied,
the Conversation turned to the usual Motoring Topics we are used to.

A great time was had by all, and the David Hack Classic was discussed.
(See page 1)

A further e-mail has been sent to members for further evaluation.

Please all reply ASAP.


March 2019


GT40 drive day Cloverlea Cottage, Mt Glorious Sunday 24 March

Another perfect day for driving GT40s arrived,
a day without rain even though the temperature was unseasonally warm for autumn.
Gavin and Lucia, Matthew and Iris, Gary and Rob braved the wild plainlands west of Brisbane
and rendezvoused at the Old Fernvale Bakery, where the coffee was excellent and cakes plentiful.
The GTs drew the usual admiration from various passersby.

The various hundreds of horsepower were duly saddled up
a little after 11 and the merry gang drove on to Mt Glorious via
the excellently sweeping fast Somerset and Mt Glorious roads.

Despite the GT40 becoming a handful when pressed through the tightening corners approaching Mt Glorious
I personally have never felt better about driving the beast.

We eventually rendezvoused with El Presidente Kevin and his lovely wife Narelle,
and sat down to a lovely lunch at Cloverlea Cottage.
The views over Brisbane were awesome and it was slightly cooler than the sweltering plains below.

Roll on autumn.

The attached photo shows the fine vehicles of the sartorially elegant
Messrs Gavin, Gary and yours truly.

Thanks to those that made the effort to come along and yet again demonstrate that the GT in GT40
stands for Grand Tourer, and not Go to The Pub For Breakfast, and see you on the next outing.

Rob Preslmaier


There are a couple of shady characters hanging out under those trees

February 2019


Meeting at the BP near Yamanto in perfect weather,
we then ventured into the countryside to a great Breakfast at Flavours Cafe, Boonah.

With appetites to match we enjoyed the comradeship and Breakfast
with loads of banter well into the morning.

The trip home wasn’t hurried as it didn’t matter if we were late for Lunch.

A good morning out, with great company.

Our next outing in March, maybe a Lunch Run. (stay tuned)


January 2019


 This Month, we all motored independently to our Breakfast venue.

( The Lighthouse Restaurant, Cleveland.)

We were fifteen Members and Guests
( including two from Tamborine Mountain, a big Welcome to Paul and Ngaire )

Beautiful Views and lots of chatter was the order of the Day over our scrumptious breakfast.

The curiosity and examination of our transport by the public ( and others )
after the meal went down very well.

Then there was the Trek home for lunch.


(And others) being the local Constabulary.
I was one of the first to leave and was followed into town and beyond.
No fun in a GT40 - being in first gear - cold motor and the cam in the wrong RPM range.
And having to be in a 40 kph zone

I did notice another patrol car heading out on the peninsular so hope everyone 
else behaved as we normally do and not increase the Qld Gov. revenue.

Honestly, I hope they were Just being inquisitive ???

I have arrived home and a change of clothes was required.



November 2018


GT40 drive day Mavis’ Kitchen, Mt Warning - Sunday 25 November


A perfect sunny day arrived for a drive of GT40 owners and their associates
(President Kevin, Narelle and Iris) in an ageing green Holden.
Gavin and Lucia arrived in their yellow beast along with Rob and Tracy in their titanium grey GT40,
recently resurrected from its tow truck ride of shame in September.
The run south via Jimboomba and Tamborine along fast and sweeping country roads to Canungra
was very enjoyable except for Gavin, whose GT40 developed a worsening suspension knock,
raising concerns that a tow truck ride home might be longer than desired
and forcing retirement of that car.

The remaining GT40, the author’s beast,
showed vastly improved mechanical reliability and made it to the lunch spot,
where we met Colin and his extended family.
Fortunately Colin brought his GT40 to make it two GTs and an official GT40 run.

The lunch was yummy as has previously been the case at Mavis’ Kitchen
and the conversation its usual high standard (I might be exaggerating a bit here but I enjoy talking cars).
The attached photo witnesses the enjoyment and visually apparent intellect of those gathered.

Thanks to those that made the effort to come along and demonstrate
that the GT in GT40 stands for Grand Tourer, and see you on the next outing.

Rob Preslmaier


October 2018


Six Gt40’s sitting silently with no sign of their owners.
The Owners were all indulging in an enjoyable breakfast feast at the Glen Hotel.

There was one absentee and it was our Mr.
El Presidente
who suffered a brake issue
on the way to the breakfast.
He was not driving a GT40 but in a funny green car that was not of Ford Heritage.

Sorry Mr.
El Presidente we reckon you need to repurchase your original GT40 back
so you can reliably join us in convoy.

At the Breakfast many discussions were held from
GT40 builds – solving state of world’s financial situation - overseas travel etc. etc.

Good company – good food and a bloody good Morning







*** MEETINGS/GET TOGETHERS 4th SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH see "whats on" for details*** 

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